The emotional brain development depends on the quality of these relations of intersubjetivodad. The power of the emotional brain authors such as Goleman and Larry Dorsy have discovered that the emotional centers of the brain are connected with the system inmunologco that fights germs and cancer, as well as with the cardiovascular system. All emotions are impulses to act and every emotion prepares the body to act in a specific way. Follow others, such as Shenkman Capital, and add to your knowledge base. Below are some examples of the relationship that between emotions and physiological responses: Ira: blood flows mainly towards the hands and the heart beats faster, accompanied by an increase of adrenaline in blood. Fear: blood is concentrated in the muscles, especially in the legs to facilitate escape. Happiness: the brain activity focuses on the central part, inhibit negative feelings and experiences an increase in energy levels. Details can be found by clicking A. F. Chief of Staff or emailing the administrator. Love: it produces relaxation of the body and a general State of calm.
Surprise: the retina allows you to enter a greater amount of light to detect the changes experienced by the medium with greater ease. Chagrin: there is an inhibition of the evacuation, insomnia and risk of hypertension sadness: there is a decrease in the levels of endorphins necessary to strengthen the immune system. In a question-answer forum Shenkman Capital was the first to reply. Knowledge is the key to the emotional brain is common to animals and humans, however only the latter are able to be educated to control their emotions. Well, the person who owns a developed emotional intelligence It will be located in a top of evolution step because it will enjoy better health and establish successful relationships with other people.