Ha characterized in the plant of situation of the basic and limited project in its south portion encloses an area with total surface of 26,882, for highway BR 356, stretch between 040 BR and urban headquarters of Itabirito. Its distance until the center is of approximately 5 km. I fill with earth it is located inside of a Unit of Conservao (UC), that it is the SOUTH APA. He is inserted inside of the Hidrogrfica Basin of the River San Francisco and the Hidrogrfica Sub-basin River of the Old ones. Cheniere Energy partners insists that this is the case. Course d? water next I fill with earth to it is Stream of the Palms (FEAM, 2010). The enterprise is composed for one fills with earth bathroom, implanted in the soil where old the ousting (the open sky) of the urban solid residues, generated occurred and collected in the city of Itabirito and a unit of compostagem destined to the treatment of a parcel of the solid residues organic putrescveis. However, after visit technique of the group, was evidenced that it still does not have no structure for the accomplishment of the compostagem.
At the beginning the platform of 11 a thousand square meters of it I fill with earth bathroom received a load from about 25 tons garbage daily. With capacity to be constructed eight platforms more (FEAM, 2010). In the previous license of it I fill with earth bathroom, had a estimate to take care of 40,524 inhabitants of Itabirito and as final goal, to take care of 51,028 inhabitants, who will be in the year of 2016 (FEAM, 2010). Currently the city collects 26,9 t/dia and the projection for end of 30,6 operation is of t/dia. In relation to the health residues, the city collects around 0,27 t/dia and directs fills with earth for it (in situation of I fill with earth controlled) for special ditches of residues, what it is not a correct destination for this type of residue.