The Contribution of the City council of Health Is of extreme importance, the contribution of the city councils and municipal conferences of health in implantation efetivao of the politics of public health in our city of Southern Cross, the Acre. The advice you discuss and them are formed by representatives of the civil society, and representatives of health entities. The advice is represented by 24 council members, already you discuss them municipal theatres happen of 04 (four) in 04 (four) years you discuss in accordance with them national. Speaking candidly music downloads told us the story. There the most diverse proposals related to the challenge of the operacionalizao of the health politics are argued publish of our city. . Proposals these that they aim at to the improvement of the attendance, resources, forms of treatment and social politics for the good of the health publish. In the city of Southern Cross you vary proposals of excellent importance had been argued in the city council and led as proposals until the municipal conference of Health.
The argued proposals had been of: Health of the worker, Qualification in mental health and reduction of damages to the professionals who take care of to the aboriginal peoples and traditional population (peoples of the forest, seringueiros and black community) and still resources for accomplishment of prevention campaigns. We can in such a way, cite some proposals that really had been accomplished in them discuss municipal theatre and currently they had changedded themselves into guarantees while right of the population, that are they: Health of the worker, NASF (Nucleus of support the health of the family) and resources for accomplishment of prevention campaigns. CONCLUSION Without doubts ahead of the questions displayed throughout the present work, undeniably we can evidence the importance of the creation and implementation of the SUS (Only System of Health), as well as of the health advice, however, very still must be fact, sees people who if line up ahead of hospitals, full emergencies, idle ranks of health or without responsibility, of lack of medicines, lack of basic sanitation, if becomes synonymous utility of health.