Tag: society and culture

System City

The Contribution of the City council of Health Is of extreme importance, the contribution of the city councils and municipal conferences of health in implantation efetivao of the politics of public health in our city of Southern Cross, the Acre. The advice you discuss and them are formed by representatives of the civil society, and representatives of health entities. The advice is represented by 24 council members, already you discuss them municipal theatres happen of 04 (four) in 04 (four) years you discuss in accordance with them national. Speaking candidly music downloads told us the story. There the most diverse proposals related to the challenge of the operacionalizao of the health politics are argued publish of our city. . Proposals these that they aim at to the improvement of the attendance, resources, forms of treatment and social politics for the good of the health publish. In the city of Southern Cross you vary proposals of excellent importance had been argued in the city council and led as proposals until the municipal conference of Health.

The argued proposals had been of: Health of the worker, Qualification in mental health and reduction of damages to the professionals who take care of to the aboriginal peoples and traditional population (peoples of the forest, seringueiros and black community) and still resources for accomplishment of prevention campaigns. We can in such a way, cite some proposals that really had been accomplished in them discuss municipal theatre and currently they had changedded themselves into guarantees while right of the population, that are they: Health of the worker, NASF (Nucleus of support the health of the family) and resources for accomplishment of prevention campaigns. CONCLUSION Without doubts ahead of the questions displayed throughout the present work, undeniably we can evidence the importance of the creation and implementation of the SUS (Only System of Health), as well as of the health advice, however, very still must be fact, sees people who if line up ahead of hospitals, full emergencies, idle ranks of health or without responsibility, of lack of medicines, lack of basic sanitation, if becomes synonymous utility of health.

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Social Rights

Alternatives had been defined in the locomotion of some families in occupying of the best form its housing, as it is the case of the houses constructed in the same quarter where they liveed as Center, Educandos, Compensate, Cachoeirinha, however, others had been indemnified with the value of twenty one a thousand Reals to buy houses more good to live, being that the value alone allowed to buy residence in distant places, which do not possuam public services and available infrastructure, as sewer, canalized water, public telephone, ranks of health, police rank, schools, public transport, contributing for a condition of precarious, penosa and denying life of the citizenship. For Motano (2007) it detaches that in the neoliberal project the reply for the social matter it can be characterized under the aspects of the precarizao of the public politics, by means of the privatization of the social services that consequently reverse speed-mercantiliza and reverse speed-filantropiza the same ones. Music downloads spoke with conviction. Thus we observe that although the rules of the politics of health under law 8080/90 to approach on the participation to only complement of the private sector in the health, evidence the innumerable private units conveniadas to system SUS to make possible to take care of of unsatisfactory form the health. For the neoliberalismo the State must guarantee the social minimum for those considered unprovided. Learn more on the subject from Digital Cameras. Destarte the inserted social rights in the private sector, search to establish a good quality, distanciando themselves of the public services, as the health, offered by means of plans and accords. social 2.Vulnerabilidade and the access to the programs of Public health 2,1 – the attendance the families in situation of social vulnerability With the diverse occured transformations in the society, we have politics of social assistance to contribute for the efetivao of the right the citizenship, as it systemize the author Pear tree (1996), the represented social assistance as measured of social protection the individual that it needs, combining it the system of social protection, with sights to guarantee the citizenship.

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The Daily

For the homosexuals, one of the main advantages of if frequenting environments LGBT is in the fact to allow a bigger approach between people, what it becomes the place a way of involving personal propagation, since makes possible the sharing. This, however, if of the one for the fact to have here, group of people who take care of to the specific interests of the human being in sociability terms, a time that the individuals need ones the others for a bigger social interaction, what it is resultant for the promotion of the social bow. This bow is kept through the forms for which the freqentadoras of these places if communicate collectively. It is a form with that the lesbians if make entire socially, a time that the social interaction is the base of the social life, therefore is at this moment where it has exchanges to know and experiences. This social interaction is based on the logic that the style of life of the homosexuals is total opposing to that one had as traditional, that is, an alternative style of life. The practical homosexuals only pass to be faced as a simple form of refusal of the model of traditional life, pautado in the social values where he has a supervaluation of the heterossexualidade and a inferiorizao of the homossexualidade. For this reason he is that, in this environment, the lesbians integrate a had scene as a moment where the same ones long for.

They live deeply the moment as ideal form of treatment waited in the society in affective and sexual terms. At this moment, them they abandon the conventions of the daily one and start to try a reality where all meet integrated in one same platform, without differences. This occurs because this space is seen as acolhedor environment, where is possible to express feelings, without the discriminatory looks if present.

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Landmark Antonio Oscar Moreira Towers

I: – Good day, you can help me? He is that I was with a friend mine here and now it disappeared and I do not know to come back pra house, I I need to find it, it saw it to you, he is lean, high and it was black color dress? The old grave-digger seemed to be so confused how much I was with the things that I spoke. It half stuned spoke: – The senhorita this well? It wants that I bind for some relative its? I I did not understand because it was saying that, I answered: – Mr. did not understand, I is folloied, only necessary encontr-lo- interrupted me to It: – Senhorita is impossible that the senhorita has come folloied therefore I sees all that pass this way, not vi nobody with these characteristics and the senhorita does not seem to be very well, by the way I nor vi when the senhorita arrived. I was without reaction therefore not wise person what to say, I would have to count that we enter the night here? Good in the truth it was the only option that I had. I: – He happens that I do not know I eat but my friend gave a skill to enter the last night here and I finished sleeping and it disappeared. It: – I look at senhorita sincerely I do not know of what you this speaking, but if exactly vocs had entered the last night here I I would have seen this its friend leaving morning now. I not wise person more what to make then she leaves lost and I returned the hollow that we were thinking that perhaps it had come back to look for to me, I was seated a time there, but it did not appear distracts, me looking at hollow, really was one of the hollows prettiest of the cemetary, if not prettier it, then I found the tablet and I started to read the written things until it caught me to a thing of surprise, the name in the tablet was? Landmark Antonio Oscar Moreira Towers? , what do you mean? I asked myself! Already was not enough the similarity of the deceased with it and until the name? It came me a hypothesis in the head but it me seemed an enormous madness and I asked if already she was not being time insane person, would not be possible that.I did not want to think about this.

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Physical Education

The CYCLING IN the SCHOOL the cycling as well as the sport always suffered to a great evolution in history, covering the way in search of gestures and movements each time more estereotipados and of form each time more mechanics, then the search of science and the scholars is always with the purpose to find ways to improve each time more the income of the sport, that is, the perfect copy of the capitalist society lived currently, in which if it walks constantly in search of the improvement of the income, enaltecendo the beginning of competition. When we think about cycling in the school, and look related studies to this subject, almost nothing or even though nothing it is found. Soon Kunz (2006) in the alert one how much to this subject, citing that the sport currently practised by athlete and not-athlete, even though in the lessons of physical education, it is a sport that uses conditions specific techniques of each modality, and also that it needs places and appropriate materials.

Thus Kunz (2006) mentions that one of the great errors of the universities, is that these, is each time more constructing esportivas installations of great quality, with official materials and spaces, then the future professors of Physical Education is taught to only lecionar lessons ahead to these spaces and materials, and when they are collated with the Brazilian pertaining to school reality, these professors if feel total unprepared to give a lesson without possessing the appropriate spaces and materials. Kunz (2006) still in affirms that the majority to them of the professionals of today ‘ ‘ they do not obtain to understand that atletismo track can be used to walk of bicycle, or that a ball of voleibol can be chutada’ ‘ (p.83), and it is in this point that we want to arrive, in the question if to know to improvise and to use alternative materials, therefore the lack of material appropriate space for the practical one of the cycling cannot be considered an excuse not to work the cycling in the school.

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