Water based paint for painting construction projects deal mainly with a roller, and spray or brush. Dried coating is most often in the air, the duration of time before applying the next layer of no more than 2 hours, full time Drying up to 24 hours coverage is formed as a result of water evaporation and coalescence of polymer particles to form a solid phase. Based on acrylic latexes, and dispersions of epoxy and alkyd resins, copolymers, synthesized with the use of small amounts (3-10%), methacrylic acid, acrylamide, vinylpyridine, and other water-based paints are manufactured for industrial use, forming a thermosetting coating Good adhesion to metal. Such water-based paints are applied, for example, by rolling or electrodeposition, and dried at 80-180 C, on the basis of styrene-butadiene latexes are anti-corrosive primer composition, applied hemoosazhdeniem (the methods of applying paint. coverings natural drying with the best properties form the acrylic water-based paints (see Table 2). PVA coating is not enough water-resistant, styrene-butadiene are prone to contamination and discoloration under the influence of solar radiation. On a range of protective and mechanical properties of coatings formed by water-based paints are inferior enamel, water-based paints are used mainly in construction, transportation, industrial and residential applications for protective and decorative and anticorrosive coatings.

Acrylate water-based paints painted facades, the wooden superstructure of ships, etc., polyvinyl acetate and styrene-butadiene – an advantage interiors. Thermosetting water-based paints are also used as anticorrosive primer on metal. Some water-based paints are painted natural and artificial leather, wooden furniture. The share of water-based paints in paint products in industrialized countries is about 30%. Table. 2.-MAIN INDICATORS OF COATINGS formed Water based paint Acrylic paint Index polyvinyl acetate paint colors Styrene-butadiene styrene-butadiene coating Hardness (unit M-3), 0.25-0.40